Women empowerment will empower the whole world

Women empowerment will empower the whole world (1) copy

ALKESH SHARMA / Emirates Business

Offering more opportunities to females will not only boost the women empowerment initiatives in the region but will also reinforce the overall community, feels HE Ameera Abdelrahim BinKaram, Chairperson of the Sharjah Business Women Council.
“The more choices and opportunities offered to women in economical, professional and social fields; the more the world would advance. This advancement will not only be on women empowerment standards, but will also reach the whole community with it. The world of is full of opportunities, and we want women to reach their full potential and turn their dreams into reality,” said BinKaram.
BinKaram was speaking during the International Women’s Day (IWD) celebration event hosted by INSEAD, the leading international business school here in Abu Dhabi.
“Over the years SBWC has launched many initiatives to support women in creating a strong foothold in economic and social sectors of the UAE. Initiatives like Jeel and Badiri aim to inspire women to launch their own business by empowering them through trainings and workshops so that they can create an impact on society,” said BinKaram.
To mark the IWD, INSEAD brought together leaders from the fields of business, politics, social entrepreneurship and medical to a unique platform, the ‘Inspire, Impact, Empower’ forum, which was sponsored by The Coca-Cola Company.
“The UAE leadership has shown a commendable commitment to advancing the role of women in society, business and politics. Our speaker lineup here today is testament to that,” stated Miguel Sousa Lobo, Associate Professor of Decision Sciences and Director of the Abu Dhabi Campus, INSEAD.
“We anticipate that all those attending are inspired by the success stories shared by the women who have come together for a dialogue and who are paving the way to new ideas and to a more gender-equal society,” added Lobo.
From the sponsor’s side, Miriam Farshoukh, Public Affairs and Communications Manager, Coca-Cola Middle East said, “5by20 is The Coca-Cola Company’s global commitment to enable the economic empowerment of 5 million women entrepreneurs across the company’s value chain by 2020. From fruit farmers across the African sub-continent to artisans in Egypt, this initiative aims to help women overcome the barriers they face to business success.”

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