Ukraine eyes Thursday vote on new pro-EU govt


Ukraine / AFP

Ukraine’s bickering parliament resumed horse-trading on Wednesday over the makeup of a new pro-EU government headed by the chamber’s speaker VolodymyrGroysman that could be voted on the following day.
A senior member of President Petro Poroshenko’s party said that “according to my information, all the agreements have been reached and no further questions remain.”
“We will submit the prime minister’s candidacy to the president and (on Thursday) be able to vote on the approval of both a new premier and government,” Poroshenko party lawmaker OleksiyGoncharenko told reporters.
Ukraine has been gripped by a months-long political crisis that forced Prime Minister ArseniyYatsenyuk’s to resign Sunday over his seeming failure to fight graft and implement economic restructuring measures prescribed by the IMF under a $17.5-billion rescue loan.
The release of new tranches of that money and billions of dollars of other foreign aid have been suspended until the former Soviet republic can unite behind a new government and fulfil the pledges made during its historic February 2014 pro-EU revolt.
The leaders who succeeded the ousted Moscow-backed president Viktor Yanukovych have seen their approval ratings plunge due to public disillusionment about their ability to break a handful of tycoons’ grip on politics and eliminate

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