TransCanada agrees to Quebec environmental review for pipeline

epa05008314 (FILE) A file picture dated 21 March 2012 shows piping to be used for the Keystone XL pipe line from Cushing, Oklahoma to the Gulf of Mexico, as they sit stacked at a storage yard in the TransCanada Pipe Yard near Cushing, Oklahoma, USA. According to media reports on 03 November 2015, TransCanada Corp., the company behind the proposed Keystone XL pipeline, has asked the US government to put on hold the project's review while negotiating with Nebraska over the pipeline's crossing in the state. The move could avoid an anticipated denial of the project by US President Barack Obama, who has increased his focus in environmental protection politics, delaying the review after the next US presidential election in November 2016, media reported.  EPA/LARRY W. SMITH


Calgary, Alberta / Reuters

TransCanada Corp agreed to submit to a Quebec environmental review of its Energy East pipeline, avoiding a potential legal battle with the province by putting the controversial project through an extra round of scrutiny.
The resolution removes a potential hurdle but also introduces another approval process for the nearly 4,600 km cross-Canadian pipeline, which will carry 1.1 million barrels per day of crude from Alberta’s oil sands to the country’s Atlantic coast.
TransCanada is pushing to build Energy East after U.S. President Barack Obama last year blocked the cross-border Keystone XL crude pipeline. His decision was a victory for environmentalists and a blow to TransCanada after a seven-year battle for
In a statement, Quebec Environment Minister David Heurtel said TransCanada had filed a project notice agreeing to an environmental impact study, prompting the province to suspend its efforts to get a permanent injunction against the company.
Quebec will completely withdraw its injunction application once the study is approved, the minister said.

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