EXUS receives recognition for ‘loan solutions’

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Dubai / Emirates Business

EXUS on Sunday announced that its Financial Suite software was profiled in a recent CEB TowerGroup analyst report, “Loan Collections Systems Technology Analysis,” as being a “best-in-class” solution, for core collections, enterprise technology and customer management.
The report, published in March, is the first ever global technology analysis of loan collections systems by an industry analyst firm. Fifty vendors were considered in the preliminary phase, with fourteen vendors selected for the final evaluation report.
CEB’s analysis and comparison framework employs a five-point rating system on which individual systems are scored. The report identifies 22 attributes that define a “best-in-class” system and groups them into four categories that reflect organisations’ needs around debt collections. Top performing systems identified in each of the 4 categories are given a of “best-In-class” recognition.
Non-Performing Loan rates have been deteriorating on a global level and bank executives are stating their intention to increase IT expenditure for specialised debt collections systems. Middle East banks have also been experiencing the effect of the credit crisis for some time now. Through multiple implementations of EXUS Collections software and a regional office in Bahrain, EXUS has gained deep understanding of the specific requirements and best practices for collections in the region.
As the report observes, “EXUS’ IT architecture and deployment capabilities have enabled it to sell its system to financial institutions of any size, including smaller institutions that many other vendors don’t support. Although lesser known outside its primary regions of operation, EXUS’s loan collections technology, staff experience, and focus on retail banking make it a very attractive solution for institutions of any size to consider when replacing or upgrading their collections technology… EXUS has financial institution clients in Islamic banking, and can collect on Islamic loans in countries such as Bahrain, Qatar, Egypt, and Jordan …”.
George Konstantinidis, CEO of EXUS added: “We are very proud that our debt collections software has achieved such recognition by a leading financial services industry technology analyst firm. This is a strong endorsement to our strategic focus on helping organizations excel in debt management and turn collections into a profit center.”

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