Supreme Court vacancy gives Clinton, Cruz new advantages

Bloomberg Justice Antonin Scalia’s unexpected death not only unleashed a bitter partisan debate over the president’s powers, it has also shaken up both party’s presidential nominating contests and provided ready ammunition for volleys fired between the candidates’ camps. The ultimate beneficiaries could be Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Ted Cruz, and the battle itself could reshape the US Senate, the ...

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Ukraine’s prez seeks embattled PM resignation

KIEV / AFP Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko on Tuesday asked Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk to resign in the face of the government’s perceived failure to fight endemic corruption and overcome a deep economic crisis. Poroshenko’s dramatic intervention came as opinion polls showed growing public disenchantment with the pro-Western team that took over the leadership of the former Soviet nation after ...

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ANC favours CEOs over labour unions to stem economic crisis

Bloomberg South Africa’s ruling African National Congress has jilted its long-standing labor union allies and is courting business leaders to help it rescue an economy teetering on the brink of a recession and a downgrade of the nation’s credit rating to junk. Union leaders were conspicuous by their absence at meetings convened since late January by President Jacob Zuma and ...

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Turkey govt ready for Syria ground operation with allies

Bloomberg Turkey said on Tuesday it wanted a ground operation in neighbouring Syria with its international allies, as a UN envoy held talks in Damascus aimed at saving a troubled ceasefire plan. Tensions escalated over Russia’s air war in support of Syrian President Bashar Al Assad, with Ankara branding it “vile, cruel and barbaric” and EU President Donald Tusk saying ...

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A jurist of colossal consequence

Antonin Scalia, who combined a zest for intellectual combat with a vast talent for friendship, was a Roman candle of sparkling jurisprudential theories leavened by acerbic witticisms. The serrated edges of his most passionate dissents sometimes strained the court’s comity and occasionally limited his ability to proclaim what the late Justice William Brennan called the most important word in the ...

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UAE, India must build on strategic ties

The UAE-India friendship has not only been accelerated by business ties, but also cultural links, age-old maritime trade and vibrant people-to-people contacts. The two nations have potential and success models to share. Each has what it takes to strengthen cooperation with the other side. In recognition of the economic weight of the UAE, India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi invited the ...

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Trouble with banks is contained, for now

Three asset classes — energy, high- yield corporate bonds and emerging-market currencies — became unhinged last year amid abnormal asset price volatility. Now the banking segment seems to be getting a lot closer to following the same route. Should this occur — thankfully, that’s still a big if at this stage — the consequences for the real economy and global ...

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Why Turnbull has to ‘do a Merkel’

The cynicism or moral immobilism of the Western powers toward the Syria conflict has been a reminder that states all too often conform to the behaviour pattern predicted by the neo-realist conception of international relations. Yet in a handful of countries, including Australia and Germany, the popular response to the refugee crisis created by the conflict has reminded these states ...

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Epilogue to the South Pacific tuna treaty

Once again the South Pacific Tuna Treaty is in the news. But this year with heels dug in on both sides the outdated tuna treaty may have taken its last breath. For the past five years the tuna treaty’s annual funding negotiation has been an ordeal as the parties involved locked horns on how much the United States should pay ...

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At US-ASEAN Summit, preparing for a new normal

The element of signaling surrounding the first US-ASEAN summit in Sunnylands, California was strong. The White House decision to host ASEAN leaders at the same venue where US President Barack Obama previously received Chinese president Xi Jinping symbolized the increasingly pivotal role the US was according ASEAN as an institution. Visiting Laos and Cambodia, US Secretary of State John Kerry ...

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