The Cabinet has adopted the formation of the ‘UAE Council for Artificial Intelligence’ to ensure the implementation of these technologies in various sectors. The move aims to serve the UAE Government’s objectives, and improve the quality of life of citizens and residents in order to achieve the vision of the UAE 2021 and make the UAE one of the best countries in the world by 2071.
The council’s formation is a reaffirmation of the UAE Government’s keenness to move forward in the use of artificial intelligence and its applications in various fields to improve government performance and create innovative work environments to accelerate the development projects.
The formation of the council follows the appointment of a Minister of State for Artificial Intelligence in the recent formation of the UAE Cabinet, the launch of the UAE Strategy for Artificial Intelligence and the UAE Strategy for the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
The council will study and identify the government sectors where artificial intelligence technology can be incorp- orated and make recommendations for the development of related infrastructure, in addition to the integration of artificial intelligence in different stages of education.
In the next phase, the council will focus on the development and organisation of the tools of artificial intelligence technology to be an integral part of the governmental work in the UAE.