China’s sinopec crude fields feel oil rout ripples

Bloomberg A unit of China Petrochemical Corp., the country’s second biggest oil and gas producer known as Sinopec Group, will shut four oil fields in the eastern province of Shandong for the first time in its more than half a century history. Sinopec Shengli Oilfield Co. will shut the Xiaoying, Yihezhuang, Taoerhe and Qiaozhuang fields to save as much as ...

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‘Greece wants bad loan sales to be measured’

Athens / Bloomberg Greece, struggling with more than €100 billion ($112 billion) of soured loans, wants to cap distressed debt sales, the country’s economy minister said. Resisting calls from creditors to further open the market, George Stathakis, 62, said the government wants to maintain restrictions on the sale of such loans to distressed debt funds. Under the latest accord signed ...

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Ireland may be heading for grand coalition: Alan Dukes

DUBLIN / Bloomberg Irish Prime Minister Enda Kenny’s Fine Gael-Labour coalition looks set to lose its majority in the Feb. 26 general election, a poll late Tuesday in Dublin showed. That may push him toward Fianna Fail, which led Ireland into the worst banking crisis since the Great Depression. Bookmaker Paddy Power makes a first-ever grand alliance between the two ...

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Sarkozy charged over Presidential campaign financing scam

Paris / Bloomberg Former French President Nicolas Sarkozy was charged with illegal campaign financing in relation to his 2012 re-election bid, meaning he is now facing two possible trials in court as he contemplates an attempt to return to office. An investigative judge decided to charge the former French president for exceeding the legal limit for election expenses after questioning ...

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UK unemployment at 10-year low: Data

London / Bloomberg Britain’s unemployment rate remains at its lowest level in a decade, official data showed on Wednesday. Unemployment stood at 5.1 percent in the three months to December, unchanged from the three months to November, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) said. That was the lowest rate, or proportion of the workforce that are unemployed, since October 2005. ...

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Portugal under stress despite bond rebound

LISBON / Bloomberg Portugal just can’t shake off its bears. The nation’s bonds are underperforming their counterparts across the euro area even as a recovery in stocks and oil prices boosted demand for higher-yielding assets. The extra yield, or spread, that investors get for holding Portuguese 10-year bonds instead of the benchmark German bund climbed for the first time in ...

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Gabon seeks to mine riches the artisanal way

Mayibouth / AFP In the remote wilderness of the Belinga mountains in northeast Gabon, men with shovels in hand dig from morning to night, filling wheelbarrows with soil laced with what they are looking for: gold. The clearing in the equatorial forest is covered with dozens of holes, some four metres (13 feet) deep. “We arrive around seven in the ...

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Disquiet swells in Spain’s veggie gardens

AlmerIa / AFP In a vast sea of plastic greenhouses in southeastern Spain, dubbed “Europe’s vegetable garden”, discontent is growing among farmers who complain large supermarket chains do not pay enough and farm workers live in poverty. Since the 1980s, one of the largest concentrations of greenhouses in the world has developed on a coastal plain near the city of ...

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Pakistan: What stands in CPEC’s way?

When Chinese President Xi Jinping unveiled the blueprint for the enormous $46 billion China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) project last year, Pakistan was understandably pleased. The Pakistani government considers the project a game changer for its fragile economic structure. This exhilaration partly stems from the country’s wobbly economic performance in recent years, which has seen it fall short of GDP and ...

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