Exhibitors positive about retail banking sector in UAE

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DUBAI / Emirates Business

Onmi-channel banking services and smart-watch banking hogged much of the limelight at the exhibitions section during the first day of Retail Banking Forum and Expo. Apart from regional biggies active in the field of banking technology, foreign exhibitors showcased their products and services at the event, expecting to end up with business deals and making inroads into the UAE banking market.
Rami Satan, sales manager banking and finance sectors of UAE-based Gulf Business Machine, told Emirates Business, “Such specific events are of great importance to the industry. The main reason is the major transformation taking place within the sector. Such events are a platform to showcase solutions and benefits for everyone in the industry from a bank to a service provider to the customer.”
Some exhibitors said it was a good way of interacting and knowledge-exchange for creating a globally integrated network of industry leaders in retail banking sector.
“This event is ideal as it is focussed on enhancing customer experience. We are showcasing a mobile capture technology, where people don’t need to go to the bank with their formal documents to have an account opened. One can click pictures and send it to us. We authenticate them and an account is opened without any document hassles,” said Blessy Varghese, commercial Account Manager at USA-based Kofax.
Paulo Oliveira, Omnichannel Specialist at ebankit.com, said he came down to the event from Portugal in search of new collaborations and partnerships.
“We are here to find possible customers, so that we can start our business in this part of the world as well. We have digital channels for banks, mobile, online banking, watch banking, digital channels and more. We are trying to use our innovative offerings and ideas as mediums to find possible business here.”
“Banks in GCC are very innovative. They are at least ready to take up the new technology in a positive way. We must understand that technology disruption in banking is not about the present customers as they are very satisfied with their banks but it is actually the new generation that is used to different strategies in terms of apps and products. That is a market we need to look at.”

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