EU foreign policy chief visits Iran


Tehran / AFP

The European Union’s top diplomat Federica Mogherini arrived in Tehran on Saturday on her first visit since a nuclear deal between Iran and world powers came into force as tensions surface over its implementation.
Mogherini, who was the lead negotiator for the six powers who struck the deal, was accompanied by other top EU officials. She was to meet Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif.
Her one-day trip comes after Iran raised concerns about banking sanctions, with officials saying the West, particularly the United States, is still creating hurdles to its access to the global financial system.
On Friday, the governor of Iran’s Central Bank said the international community was not sticking to its promises. “The impact that we were expecting to get is not what we see, at least on a tangible basis,” Valiollah Seif told a forum at the Council of Foreign Relations in Washington. The six powers led by the United States agreed in July last year to lift sanctions that had locked down much of the Iran’s economy for years in exchange for limits on Tehran’s nuclear programme.

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