Al Qubaisi gets Kazakh invite for ‘terror conference’

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Abu Dhabi / WAM

Dr. Amal Abdullah Al Qubaisi, Speaker of the Federal National Council (FNC), received a message from Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, Chairman of the Senate of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The message was delivered to Dr. Al Qubaisi by Lama Sharif, Ambassador of Kazakhstan to the UAE, during a meeting at the FNC in Abu Dhabi on Thursday. The note included an invitation to the FNC speaker to participate at the International Conference on Religions Against Terrorism, to be hosted by Kazakhstan on May 31. While in Kazakhstan, Dr. Al Qubaisi will visit the country’s Senate.
During the meeting, they discussed ways to strengthen cooperation in various fields, with a focus on development of parliamentary relations between the FNC and the Parliament of Kazakhstan. The meeting also aimed to push the relations forward in the light of the keenness of the leaders of the two countries on development in all sectors.
The two sides stressed the importance of establishing a parliamentary friendship committee between the two parliaments in order to activate and develop inter-parliamentary relations, and benefit from the experiences of the two countries through bilateral visits to exchange views on various issues.
Dr. Al Qubaisi stressed her side’s keenness to participate in the activities of this conference, given its important theme, which concerns various countries of the world.
“The fight against terrorism and promotion of tolerance, moderation and security in the region and the world are priorities of the UAE and its leadership. We need to, more than ever before, strengthen cooperation with various leaders, governments and peoples in the countries in the light of unfolding events, especially the spread of extremism, that kills in the name of Islam and commits the most heinous crimes against children and women,” she pointed out.
Dr. Al Qubaisi said the UAE always seeks to have an objective dialogue among followers of different religions and cultures to build bridges of communication and understanding so as to address the interests of peoples and solve problems facing the humanity as a whole through dialogue.
For his part, the Kazakh envoy said the invitation extended to Dr. Al Qubaisi was aimed at getting acquainted with the UAE’s experience in many areas, including tolerance and moderation.

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