The Federal Tax Authority (FTA) has made the service to submit Corporate Tax registration requests available through 23 Government Service Centres located across the UAE.
In a press statement today, the FTA explained that enabling taxpayers to submit corporate tax registration requests through Government Service Centres allows them to register directly via the “EmaraTax” platform – a digital tax service that operates 24/7. In addition to this, taxpayers can also seek assistance from accredited tax agents listed on the FTA’s official website. The FTA said the new initiative is part of the expansion of its service channels to encourage tax compliance by providing an environment that facilitates access to services. It allows taxpayers to submit a request for Corporate Tax registration with assistance from experts in Government Service Centres, which offer electronic services that meet government standards. These centres are managed by trained and qualified staff to ensure quality service delivery.
Once application procedures are completed and the accuracy of the data entered electronically at the service centre is verified, the FTA experts review the application internally, and the applicant receives their Tax Registration Number (TRN) via the email listed in the application they have submitted for corporate tax registration.
The FTA signed cooperation agreements to accredit several government service centres. Users can browse the list of accredited centres that are authorised to offer Corporate Tax registration request services on the FTA’s official website.
The Authority explained that organisational and technical measures have been taken to ensure efficient service provision through these centres. Specialists at the accredited centres have also received training to submit registration applications for those subject to corporate tax smoothly and accurately. The aim is to achieve a further increase in registration and tax compliance rates.
Khalid Ali Al Bustani, Director-General of the Federal Tax Authority, stressed the importance of submitting Corporate Tax registration applications following the timeframes specified in the FTA’s decision issued in February, which came into effect on 1st March. He added that taxable persons with licences issued in January and February regardless of the year the licence was issued, must submit their Corporate Tax registration applications no later than 31st May, 2024, to avoid tax law violations.
Al Bustani said, “As part of its comprehensive development plans, the Federal Tax Authority has expanded the channels for providing the Corporate Tax submit registration applications service, making it available through Government Service Centres. This step was taken to keep pace with the expansion of the FTA’s services, especially with the implementation of Corporate Tax since June last year. Moreover, the FTA has bolstered its awareness initiatives, focusing on providing an overview of Corporate Tax, elucidating its significance, objectives, compliance requirements, as well as tax legislation in general. Additionally, the FTA has diversified the channels for providing its services.”
For her part, Zahra Al Dahmani, Director of Taxpayer Services Department in the FTA, said, “In close collaboration with strategic partners, the FTA ensured full readiness prior to the launch of the corporate tax registration at the accredited government service centres. Arrangements were made to provide the service to customers in line with the best standards and meeting their expectations.”
The FTA reiterated that Corporate Tax registration is available 24/7 through the EmaraTax digital tax services platform, adding that the registration process involves four steps that take approximately 30 minutes to complete.
The FTA added that taxpayers already registered for Value Added Tax (VAT) or Excise Tax can access their accounts on EmaraTax, select the taxpayer from the list, complete the Corporate Tax registration request, and submit the required documents. Once the registration request is approved, applicants can generate a Tax Registration Number for Corporate Tax purposes.
The FTA emphasised that taxpayers subject to Corporate Tax who are not registered must create a new user profile. New users can access the EmaraTax platform on the FTA’s e-Services portal, where they can create an account using their email address and phone number. Once the user profile is created, they can then proceed with registration by identifying the taxpayer, selecting the ‘Corporate Tax registration’ option, and easily completing the registration process.