Women account for 70% of nationals in banking sector

Women account for 70% of nationals in banking sector (2) copy


The representation of Emirati women among the national workforce in the banking sector of the UAE stands at 70 percent, among the highest of any sector in the country, according to Jamal Al Jasmi, General Manager of the Emirates Institute for Bankingand Financial Studies, EIBFS. Al Jasmi said the rise of the country’s women is a result of continued encouragement and support from the UAE’s leadership.
Al Jasmi said, “At EIBFS, we feel we have contributed in our own way through our education and training programmes, which have witnessed the increasing participation of Emirati women.” Women accou- nted for 43% participants in the institute’s training courses and workshops in 2016. In the
academic education programmes, women’s participation increased to 55% of total students registered in 2016.

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