UAE, Colombia to promote coop, share govt best practices

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Dubai / WAM

Ohood bint Khalfan Al Roumi, Minister of State for Happiness, Director-General of the Prime Minister’s Office of the UAE and Deputy Chairman of the World Government Summit, and Angela Maria Gonzales Loayza, Secretary-General of the Administrative Department of Civil Service of Colombia, signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on behalf of their governments to promote co-operation in the areas of government development, services design and innovative management models.
According to Al Roumi, the UAE is keen to exchange experiences and share best practices with governments from around the world, with the aim of enriching knowledge and promoting co-operation, to improve public governance with a vision for the future.
The UAE’s government administration has become a leading international model for other countries to follow, in the areas of excellent performance, adopting of innovations and preparing capable leadership to develop solutions for potential challenges, based on accurate scientific forecasts and its capability to effectively overcome challenges, she added.
Loayza expressed her country’s happiness at signing the MoU with the UAE, and highlighted their enthusiasm at sharing experiences and successful practices in the areas of excellent performance and government transparency.
The MoU was signed on the sidelines of the 5th World Government Summit, with participation from a senior Colombian delegation. It aims to promote mutual co-operation, as well as an exchange of experiences and best practices between both parties, which reflects the UAE government’s approach to promote efficient co-operation with world governments and international organisations, to improve government performance based on innovation and foresight.
According to the MoU, both countries will co-operate in implementing initiatives that promote government performance and exchange of experiences on administrative procedures and services, as well as organise workshops with the aim of exchanging knowledge and strengthening the culture of creativity, by setting an encouraging environment in vital sectors.
The Administrative Department of Public Service of the Republic of Colombia also aims to enhance the capacities of its personnel, institutions and government bodies.

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