UAE adopts energy efficient standards

UAE adopting energy efficient standards  - ABDUL RAHMAN FALAKNAZ, CHAIRMAN - IEC


Emirates Business

As the Gulf region adopts high standards of energy efficiency, the Mideast market is promoting innovative solutions to encourage the usage of LED technology.
As per reports, the UAE lighting industry alone is pegged to be at a billion dirhams. Due to the new regulations in conventional lighting, energy efficient lighting products is estimated to grow at a staggering rate of 200 percent in 2016.
Abdul Rahman Falaknaz, Chairman of International Expo Consults told Emirates Business, “LEDs can endure the hot weather conditions apart from have a longer life compared to conventional lighting. Cost effectiveness of LEDs has set an example for alternative lighting resources across the GCC and world.”
The catalyst to this is the fact that governments have abridged the energy subsidies in the

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