TRA to take part in WTSA meet in Tunisia


Dubai / WAM

The Telecommunication Regulatory Authority (TRA) is participating with a high-level delegation at the World Telecommunication Standardisation Assembly (WTSA) meeting currently being held in the resort of Yasmine Hammamet,Tunisia.
The meeting is held every four years with the participation of official delegations from various countries, in addition to more than 1,000 guests interested or involved in the information and communications technology, ICT, sector.
The UAE has been nominated for the presidency of the 20th study committee, responsible for the ‘Internet of Things’ and smart cities, and vice presidency for the 2nd study committee responsible for digitalisation.
Majed Al Mesmar, TRA Deputy Director-General for Telecommunication Sector and head of the UAE delegation, said that the accelerated developments in the sector in recent years have put pressure on the importance of finding solutions through international collaboration in the field. It is important to formulate standards, regulations, specifications to guarantee security and privacy through the new development of ICT.
“The amount of data that humanity can produce in two days now is equivalent to what civilisations have produced since ancient times up to the beginning of this millennium. That is what we call ‘big data’, which is not latent or diminished, but flows in various directions, sending information not only between humans, but also among devices or the so-called machine-to-machine connectivity, M2M, and Internet of Things, IoT. These developments are the main features of smart cities and are accompanied by challenges in terms of security, privacy and interface integration,” he added.
The UAE holds the vice presidency of the Arab team in charge for preparing for the World Telecommunication Standardisation Assembly in the
current session.

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