Tokyo elects Yuriko Koike as first woman governor

Former Japanese defence minister Yuriko Koike (C) and supporters celebrate her win as Tokyo governor, in Tokyo on July 31, 2016.  Veteran politician Yuriko Koike was elected governor of Tokyo on July 31, according to media exit polls, becoming the first woman to lead Japan's capital. / AFP PHOTO / JIJI PRESS / JIJI PRESS / Japan OUT


Veteran politician Yuriko Koike was elected on Sunday as Tokyo’s first woman governor, according to media exit polls, and immediately vowed to get a grip on
the megacity’s troubled 2020 Olympic preparations. Public broadcaster NHK, Jiji Press and other major media forecast the 64-year-old Koike as the winner just after polls closed at 8 pm (1100 GMT).
Koike is a former TV anchorwoman, defence minister and environment minister. Official ballot counting in the sprawling metropolis of 13.6 million people, was expected to take hours to complete. But with three percent of votes tallied she had more than 84,000 votes to slightly over 60,000 for her closest challenger.
Koike claimed victory and addressed supporters shortly after the media declared her the winner. “I will lead Tokyo politics in an unprecedented manner, a Tokyo you have never seen,”
she said in a voice made
mildly hoarse after two weeks of campaigning.
The election, contested by a record field of 21 candidates, was called after previous governor Yoichi Masuzoe resigned over a financial scandal involving the lavish use of public funds on hotels and spa trips — the second successive Tokyo leader to quit.
Koike largely played down her achievement of becoming
the capital’s first woman governor in a male-dominated society but said she will push female-friendly policies “so that
both women and men can shine in Tokyo”.

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