‘Sustainability Champions’ join training session

Dubai / WAM

Dubai Investments, the leading, diversified investments conglomerate listed on the Dubai Financial Market, has hosted the second round of the training session for ‘Sustainability Champions’ of the company and its subsidiaries.
Held under the theme ‘For a Better Partnership within the Dubai Investments Family’, the session focused on the Sustainable Development Goals 2030, outlined by the United Nations in its Agenda, which is being adopted by countries globally, especially in the UAE.
The Sustainable Development Goals 2030 agenda is being implemented by governmental bodies and several public and private sector departments, as well as by humanitarian, environmental and social NGOs.
Statistics, reports, films and a variety of models for international companies were presented to explain the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, which range from poverty eradication, hunger, clean drinking water, health care and education for all, to decent work, economic growth and innovation, reducing inequality, preserving environment, reducing climate damage and partnerships.
‘Sustainability Champions’ at Dubai Investments actively participated in a range of practical tests that contributed to developing concepts for furthering the Sustainable Development Goals, implementing them internally, and improving corporate responsibility among the employees. The participants discussed the role of private sector, and companies specifically, in studying and selecting objectives aligned with nature of each company’s business and sustainability strategies.

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