Russia highlights country’s literature

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Sharjah / Emirates Business

Celebrating Russia’s culture of literary genius and the outstanding titles that have enriched world literature, representatives from the Russian section of the International Board on Books for Young People (IBBY) have attended the Sharjah Children’s Reading Festival 2017 (SCRF) as the UAE Board on Books for Young People’s Guests of Honour.
Russian representatives showcased and highlighted children’s and young adults’ literature from their country at the festival.
The distinguished guests included Mariya A. Vedenyapina, IBBY Russia representative, Sergey Makhotin, famous children’s author, and Ivan Aleksandrov, an accomplished illustrator of children’s books.
Makhotin and Aleksandrov made the most of a section in the UAEBBY’s stand to display their work and illustrate the cultural differences – and similarities – in children’s literature between the two nations.
Marwa Al Aqroubi, President of the UAEBBY’s Executive Board, said: “We are delighted to have hosted IBBY Russia as our guest of honour during SCRF 2017, with three important representatives able to participate in an array of literary activities at the festival. IBBY Russia and the UAEBBY have a joint commitment and a belief in providing reading material and instilling a passion to read for a young audience.
The Russian delegation has allowed us to share success stories, discuss challenges and look at new methods of increased collaboration for the benefit of children everywhere.”
Mariya A. Vedenyapina, IBBY Russia representative, added: “It’s a great honour to have been chosen for this role and attend such a prestigious cultural event in this capacity. The work and discussions we have had will have a long-lasting effect and will benefit a large number of young readers in the future.”
The programme for the Russian guests included a welcome reception, hands-on workshops in the Russian International School in Dubai, meetings with guests and professionals working in children’s literature in the UAE, workshops for children in the Russian Orthodox Church in Sharjah and Aist Education Center in Dubai, and a visit to the Sharjah Heritage Days.
Through UAEBBY, IBBY Russia and its numerous other national branches around the world, IBBY seeks to promote international understanding through children’s books. It aspires to give children everywhere the opportunity to have access to reading material with high literary and artistic standards; to provide support and training for those involved in producing children’s reading material; to stimulate research and scholarly works in the field of children’s literature and to protect and uphold the right of the child to a general education that includes direct access to information.

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