Our economy maintained vibrant performance



Abu Dhabi / WAM

The government is confidently progressing to deliver indicators of the National Agenda leading to the UAE Vision 2021 which seeks to develop and improve conditions in areas of justice, security, economy, environment, living standards, housing, education, health and infrastructure, His Highness Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of the United Arab Emirates, has declared.
“The government has adopted and approved national policies and strategies for innovation, creativity, excellence, reading, research and development, the future, housing, women and youth empowerment and happiness. In this respect, the Emirates Council for Youth and the Emirates Council for Scientists were set up,” said His Highness Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed in his address to the nation on the occasion of the 45th National Day.
The government, His Highness Sheikh Khalifa stated, had also taken significant strides in developing the legislative and regulatory framework to attract investment and introducing policies to promote the concept of green economy and comply with principles of sustainability, protection of the environment and conservation of natural resources. It has also approved plans to upgrade and improve educational and health services, modernise the infrastructure and qualify youths to easily enter the job market.
These efforts, the President said, had begun to pay off.
“On the micro economy, despite the slump in global economy and decline in world oil prices, our national economy has maintained vibrant performance and the Gross Domestic Product has exceeded the set target thanks to vibrancy, resilience and diversification of the economic infrastructure and high contributions of non-oil sectors,” His Highness the President added.
His Highness noted that the UAE was ranked first regionally and 16th globally, maintaining its lead among the top 20 competitive economies in the world, according to the Global Competitiveness Report 2016 issued by the World Economic Forum (Davos) in Switzerland. The UAE has also retained its lead in the region in more than 100 development indicators.
Politically, the President said, “We have reshuffled the Federal Cabinet to include key components of the community and to reflect the transformations the state is going through. We have also amended the UAE Constitution to double the membership of the Federal National Council and expand its powers and we will celebrate the tenth anniversary of the first ever national elections within the coming days.”
In the coming five years leading to UAE Vision 2021, Sheikh Khalifa explained that government efforts will focus on drawing a roadmap for the empowerment programme that steers and guides the gradual process to build a secure state based on the rule of law and justice; a competitive economy, sustainable environment, integrated infrastructure, high quality education system and world class health facilities; a state that has a coherent society founded on values of tolerance and moderation and a close-knit family built on love and understanding.
The President expressed his unflinching support for the Moral Education initiative, launched by His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Deputy Supreme Commander of the UAE Armed Forces and Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi.
“We hope that the educational, cultural, religious, media, youth, sports and women institutions and organisations will come together and rally behind the initiative by promoting the values of sustainability, integrity, righteousness, mercy, justice, respect of law, and spreading the culture of tolerance, co-existence, centrism, moderation, and pride and veneration of national symbols and figures.”
Internationally, the President reiterated the UAE’s firm stance to remain committed to a flexible, dynamic foreign policy, whose main objective is to serve national interests, preserve the sovereignty of the state and consolidate the GCC, to defend the Arab right and solidify Islamic unity.
“We will continue our efforts to counter terrorism and extremism, settle disputes and conflicts through peaceful means, participate in international efforts for conservation of the environment and for tackling challenges of climate change, and support efforts to form a world order that is fairer and more equitable,” he stressed.
Sheikh Khalifa said the UAE is deeply concerned at the current foreign interferences in the Arab region, which rekindled sedition, stoked extremism and terrorism and threatened the territorial integrity and unity of many states.
While wishing peace, security and stability to Syria, Libya, Iraq, Somalia, and Afghanistan, the President called on the international community to fully shoulder its responsibility in changing the conditions affecting large numbers of the world populations, like poverty, hunger, disease, mounting influx of displaced persons, refugees and the marginalised and to mobilise energies in order to reach creative solutions for imminent risks to humanity.
“The international community should also work together to deliver common goals and aspirations, fill gaps resulting from fall-out from crises and catastrophes, and put an end to factors causing the aggravation of refuge, displacement and climate change,” HH Sheikh Khalifa concluded.

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