Mohammed issues decree on innovation award


Dubai / WAM

In his capacity as Ruler of Dubai, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum issued Decree No (18) of 2016 on the establishment of the ‘Hamdan bin Mohammed Award for Innovation in Project Management’.
Under the Decree, a Board of Trustees will manage the Award. The Board will have five members in addition to a Chairman and Vice Chairman. Three members of the Board will be from the Road and Transport Authority (RTA). The members will be appointed for a term of three years through a Decision issued by the Award Patron.
The Board of Trustees is tasked with the formation of the ‘Technical Consultative Committee’ that will conduct a technical review of all Award submissions. The Committee will have a minimum of three members qualified and experienced in the areas of innovation, sustainability and creativity. The members of the Committee are required to maintain strict neutrality and cannot nominate anyone or endorse any nomination.
The Board of Trustees is also tasked with forming the jury panel, which apart from its Chairman, and Vice Chairman, will have five members. The jury panel will evaluate nominations referred to it by the ‘Technical Consultative Committee’, and recommend the winners to the Board.
The jury has the right to recommend that an award be shared in cases where there is a tie between nominees. The jury can also withdraw awards if it has been found that the nominee has not met the Award criteria. The jury panel has the right to recommend specialised jurors for categories that require special expertise. The decision of the Board of Trustees is final.
The Decision also specifies the procedures for committee meetings, request of data, approval of the final list of winners and award submissions. The rules and regulations of the Award cannot be altered or waived without a Decision issued by the Patron of the award.
The Decree and the Decision are effective from their date of issuance, and will be published in the Official Gazette.

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