DUBAI / Emirates Business
The parents of a baby girl, who was born at just 22 weeks and weighted 450 grams at birth, have thanked the medical team of Latifa hospital for nursing their baby back to health and ensuring her survival.
Born almost 18 weeks prior to full term, little Aviva N Coutinho, is possibly the most premature baby to survive in the UAE.
It is no wonders then that this little miracle has both her parents and the hospital staff overjoyed because she gives hope that modern medicine and highly qualified medical staff can ensure the survival of babies as young as 22 weeks, something that was not possible a few years ago.
However, she has fought hard to survive and her case was far from being simple right from the beginning.
Dr. Muna Tahlak, CEO of Latifa Hospital, said: “Aviva lost her twin while they were in their mother’s womb itself. We knew that one of the babies is stillborn and therefore we needed high-level of monitoring to ensure the other twin (Aviva) survives and the mother is safe.
Aviva’s parents have praised the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) team and all health care providers at Latifa hospital.
Her mother, R.C. said: “We stayed in Latifa hospital for almost five months. It is a long, emotional and very challenging time and yet here I am with my miracle baby in my arms. We are eternally thankful to the NICU team at the hospital.
Dr. Mahmoud El Halik, Consultant Neonatologist and Head of the Paediatric Department at Latifa Hospital, said: “Aviva is likely to be the most premature baby born at exact 22 weeks of pregnancy to survive in this country.
El Halik said: “She is indeed a little miracle baby and we are so pleased that not only has she survived, she has endured no damage to her brain, eyes or lungs.â€