IS-claimed bomb kills 5 in Baghdad

The remains from an explosion attack, which targeted an Ashura procession commemorating the death of Imam Hussain, the grandson of Prophet Muhammad, are seen on the ground in the Iraqi capital Baghdad on October 9, 2016.  / AFP PHOTO / SABAH ARAR


Berlin / AFP

A bombing targeting Shiites in Baghdad killed at least five people and wounded 21 others on Sunday, Iraqi officials said, an attack claimed by the IS extremist group.
The attack struck the Baghdad Jadida area near a tent where Shiite Muslims provide refreshments to passersby as part of annual commemorations of the death of Imam Hussain, a revered figure in Shiite Islam.
IS issued a statement claiming the attack and said it was carried out by a suicide bomber — an account confirmed by two interior ministry officials.
But a medical official and people at the scene of the attack said it was a roadside bomb, not a suicide bomber — a repeat of differing accounts of another bombing in the same area at the end of last month.
Unusually, there were also two different versions of the IS claim posted online Sunday: one which gave the correct location and another saying it had taken place in Shaab, an area across the city.

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