Illegal parking in residential areas to cost AED200


Abu Dhabi / WAM

The Department of Municipal Affairs and Transport’s (DMAT) Integrated Transport Center announced the new modified parking violations regulations as part of its plans to offer the best services and improve the Parking Division (Mawaqif) as the tickets costs are discounted.
Mohammed Hamad Al Muhairi, Mawaqif Director stated that illegal parking in residential areas tickets is reduced from AED500 to AED200. In addition, cars will only be towed 4 hours after
issuing the ticket.
On the other hand, illegal parking in buses and taxi parking bays became AED500 after it was AED1,000. Occupying two parking spaces is reduced from AED300 to AED200. Moreover, using a ticket or permit not specified for parking area is AED100 after it was AED200.
Al Muhairi stated that there are two new parking violations; one is for using fake permits or tickets. This ticket costs AED10,000. The other violation ticket is AED1,000 for those who avoid payment of their previous tickets.
It is worth mentioning that some parking violations ticket remained the same like the illegal parking in front of a Fire Inlet or parking in a space designated for special needs without an appropriate permit, hindering the traffic and cars are to be towed if were parked in spaces for more than three days repeatedly.
Mawaqif requests the drivers to be complied with the rules of parking issued by Mawaqif in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi and to avoid violations.

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