Greening of urbanization process crucial to growth

Urbanization has contributed hugely to economic and social development. Cities today represent 80% of global GDP. Urban areas have created livelihood avenues and made societies stronger. However, rapid urbanization has brought in its wake a host of formidable challenges. Some climate change and environmental problems are very urban-specific.
Around 70% of the global population will be urban in the next four decades. Overcrowding will put heavy pressure on cities. Urban development plans need to offer solutions to the gnawing problems and policies must make cities sustainable, resilient and inclusive.
As many as 45,000 delegates from 193 countries meeting in Quito — the capital of Ecuador — on Monday adopted a new urban agenda to bring about sustainable urban development. The Habitat III agenda spells out economic, social and environmental policy and planning in urban zones. The UAE’s support to the UN in chalking out the new urban agenda has been immense. In the last 15 years, the UAE has experienced over 300% growth in population in its cities. The country realizes how crucial it is to put sustainability at the core of all developmental programmes.
Sustainability will come only when cities move towards decarbonization and energy efficiency. To make cities cleaner, it is a global imperative to tap the power of renewables and integrate them in all urban plans that are devised. The UAE has shown to the world that there is financial viability in solar energy. It has also taken initiatives in electric vehicles. Masdar and DEWA have paved the path for greening of the urbanization process. They have provided environment-friendly and sustainable options that can change the entire urban energy landscape of the globe. It is important that the world emulates their experience.
Apart from harnessing renewables, a dependable public transport system, construction of green buildings that follow climate-conscious designs, recycling of water and land usage that follows sustainable methods will go a long way in making cities cleaner and healthier. All this can be brought about through cohesive planning and coordinated public-private effort.
The UAE is giving fillip to smart cities which can offer good quality of life that forms the core of happiness index of a nation. Good quality of life also translates into economic advantage for a country as it attracts more investors.
Tackling rapid urbanization and making cities sustainable is a daunting challenge indeed. But by implementing strategies that make urban governance mechanisms more effective and empower the people while fostering inclusive growth, this challenge can be faced with confidence.
To ensure environmental sustainability in an urban plan which conserves energy and resources during city’s growth requires a long-term visionary planning. It can’t be achieved overnight. Transformation will come about through concerted, sustained effort. And it will come through an innovative approach. On Tuesday, Dubai was ranked among the world’s most innovation-driven cities. The steps that the city has taken in bringing smart technologies to the forefront qualify for praise. As cities grow, smart technologies and innovations will become the cornerstone of sustainable urban development. And the world needs to see how well the UAE is building this urban ecosystem.

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