Germany widens trade surplus in August


Berlin / AFP

Booming exports pumped up Germany’s trade surplus in August, as calls grow for Europe’s largest economy to use the cash it brings in to nurture growth.
Firms exported 102.3 billion euros ($114.3 billion) of goods in August 2016 adjusting for seasonal and calendar effects, the federal statistics office Destatis said.
That was an increase of 5.4 percent over July’s figure, which had seen exports fall to their lowest level since January 2015 in the wake of Brexit. Meanwhile, Germany imported 80.1 billion euros of goods in August, a slower increase of just 3.0 percent over the previous month’s value — leaving the trade surplus standing at 22.2 billion euros.
In unadjusted terms, exports to EU countries outside the euro single currency saw the strongest growth, gaining 11.8 percent compared with August 2015.

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