GCC and UK set to deepen partnership, cooperation




The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) member states and the United Kingdom have agreed to launch the GCC-UK Strategic Partnership to foster closer relations in all fields, including political, defence, security, and trade.
This was announced on Wednesday, following the first GCC-UK Summit in Manama, which was presided over by His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, King of Bahrain and
attended by the GCC leaders and Theresa May, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.
His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of UAE and Ruler of Dubai, attended the summit.
According to Bahrain News Agency, the following joint communique was released after the summit.

Regional Stability
The GCC and UK partners share a vision for a peaceful and prosperous region, and for addressing the most pressing regional conflicts (Syria, Iraq, Yemen, and Libya, as well as the Middle East Peace Process), defeating violent extremists including Daesh, and countering Iran’s destabilising activities. On regional conflicts, the leaders decided on a set of common principles, including a shared recognition that there is no military solution to the region’s armed civil conflicts. These can only be resolved through political and peaceful means, respect for all states’ sovereignty and non-interference in their internal affairs contrary to international law, the need for inclusive governance in conflict-ridden societies, as well as protection of all minorities and of human rights.
The GCC member states and the UK strongly affirmed the necessity of resolving the Palestinian-Israeli conflict on the basis of a just, lasting, comprehensive peace agreement that results in an independent and contiguous Palestinian state living side-by-side in peace and security with Israel, based on the Arab Peace Initiative and UN resolutions.
On Lebanon, the leaders welcomed the election of a new president, called on all parties to strengthen Lebanese state institutions, and emphasised the need to fight all terrorist groups operating in Lebanese territory, which threaten Lebanon’s security and stability. On Egypt, the GCC and the UK committed to support cooperation between the IMF and Egypt.

Trade and Investment
The GCC and UK will build on their long-standing co-operation to unlock the full potential of their trade and investment relationship. This will occur both bilaterally and with the region as a whole, including to maintain the UK position as the largest foreign investor in the region. Bilateral trade between the UK and GCC was worth over AED30 billion last year and at this summit there were announcements covering a number of key sectors, including Healthcare, Innovation and the Knowledge Economy, Education, Finance, Defence and Security.
We will make it a priority, when the UK leaves the European Union, to build the closest possible commercial and economic relationship, and even more closely with business to promote actively GCC-UK economic engagement beyond current levels. We will work to understand and remove barriers to trade and investment, and to create the conditions under which trade and investment can flourish, empowering and enhancing the lives of our citizens.
Leaders agreed that we need to use government and
business dialogues in a focussed and coherent manner in order, firstly, to build deeper knowledge and understanding of the key trade and investment
issues, before moving towards discussions about the
resolution of barriers. To this end, a newly-established Joint Working Group will discuss the detail of our trading relationship, and help drive progress.
Leaders also decided to hold a GCC-UK PPP Conference in London in the first quarter of 2017, focusing on GCC national transformation and economic diversification plans.

Counter-Terrorism and Counter-Extremism
Recognising that countering terrorism needs a continually adaptive approach, the GCC member states and the UK pledged to build on their shared commitment to address the acute threats posed by Al-Qa’ida, IS and their affiliates.

Countering External and Internal Threats
Building on their historical and strong bilateral ties and their newly founded Strategic Partnership, the GCC and UK leaders decided to enhance joint efforts to improve defence cooperation, as well as on maritime security and cyber-security.

Humanitarian and
Development Assistance
The GCC and the UK agreed to work together to coordinate their humanitarian and development assistance activities,
especially in the region.

Refugees, Migration and Human Trafficking
Building on their strong track record of supporting refugees and fighting human trafficking, the GCC member states and the UK pledged to work together to enhance their efforts to support refugees and fight human trafficking through supporting victims and pursuing perpetrators.

People To People
The GCC and UK agreed to build upon their already strong foundation of people to people contact through further enhancement. They agreed to close collaboration and partnership in education, healthcare, culture, sport and the arts, including through the British Council, and working with the Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science (CEFAS) on marine environmental issues. They agreed on the importance of efforts to support inter-faith and inter-civilisation dialogue, including through King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Center for Interreligious and Intercultural Dialogue in

Strong and Long-Lasting Partnership
GCC member states and the UK agreed to meet annually in a similar high-level format, in order to advance and build upon the UK-GCC Strategic Partnership announced today. They endorsed the GCC-UK Joint Action Plan as agreed by their Foreign Ministers and called for its full implementation. Leaders have also instructed their Ministers to review and extend the timeframe and scope of the current GCC-UK Joint Action Plan (JAP) (2015-2018) in light of the commitments made at this summit.
They agreed to hold regular joint ministerial meetings in all areas of GCC-UK Strategic Partnership, and instructed their
experts and senior officials to meet regularly to map out
the details and monitor

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