Experts to discuss maritime trends at MARACAD ’17

MARACAD 2017 to bring together maritime experts copy

DUBAI / Emirates Business

Under the patronage of HE Dr Abdullah Bin Mohammed Balheif Al Nuaimi, Minister of Infrastructure Development and Chairman of the Federal Transport Authority for Land and Maritime, the 3rd Maritime Conference & Expo (MARACAD 2017) will be held at the Dubai International Trade Centre on October 30-31. MARACAD will be held during the peak period supporting the UAE’s international campaign for its nomination for the membership of the Executive Council of the International Maritime Organization (IMO).
In addition to the participation of the majority of the region’s leading maritime companies and organisations, the conference will be attended by a high-level delegation from IMO headed by Dr Dorota Lost-Sieminska, Head of Legal Affairs Office at IMO.
This underlines MARACAD’s position as an internationally-recognised forum that receives the attention of the international
maritime organisations, companies, think-tanks and centres for strategic studies.
HE Dr Al Nuaimi emphasized, “The Federal Transport Authority for Land and Maritime is the strategic partner of MARACAD Conference & Expo as it supports our strategic objectives in terms of highlighting the UAE’s unique assets in infrastructure and maritime investments. We highly value the organizers for hosting a high-level delegation from IMO. This is especially important to closely see the development of our maritime system and realise why the UAE is interested in joining the IMO Executive Office. The UAE is an international maritime hub and has a wide range of organisations and companies that want to reach
out to international maritime
“I really cherish Cham Events team, the organizers of MARACAD, who have clearly demonstrated their professional expertise
and high level of strategic relations. This makes this event one of the key strategic events in the region’s maritime sector, as the shipping sector witnessed great progress on a global level. Today, the shipping sector forms two thirds of the maritime transportation in the Gulf region, this proves UAE’s capabilities and leading position as one of the largest big players in the maritime sector.” added Al Nuaimi.
Capt.Hussam Suyyagh, Conference Director highlighted, “We are proud that the 3rd Maritime Conference & Expo “MARACAD 2017” will witness and encourage the UAE’s membership at IMO Executive Office that will further diversify the maritime sector and enrich the mechanisms of the maritime decision-making. Today, we have a new player in the international maritime arena, and certainly will add value to IMO work mechanism. Therefore, we aimed at this year’s conference & Expo to create a great interactive platform that will bring together the leaders of the private and public maritime industry, the prestigious maritime academies, maritime experts, non-governmental organizations, marine technology developers, shipping companies, maritime law firms, ship owners and port operators.”

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