Emirates Transport signs AED307mn contracts in Q1


Emirates Transport has announced record growth in contract value during the first quarter of 2017, as 40 new and renewed contracts were signed with government and private sector entities. Commenting on the announcement, Mohammed Abdullah Al Jarman, General Manager of Emirates Transport, said, “The corporation achieved remarkable results in the first quarter of this year through the growth of revenues and the enhancement of the market share in the main sectors of transport and leasing, school transport, auto services and logistics.”
Al Jarman explained that the total value of the new contracts signed amounted to AED148 million, while renewed contracts for the same period amounted to AED159mn, bringing the total value of the contracts to AED307 million. He added that the areas of growth and expansion included transport, government, logistics, construction, tourism and the oil and gas sectors, pointing to the efforts to provide competitive services that exceed the expectations of the customers and achieve their happiness.
He expressed his appreciation for the trust given by the various partners and customers in the services provided by Emirates Transport, which is reflected in the renewal of contracts and the acquisition of new contracts, stressing the focus of the corporation to raise its operational efficiency on a continuous basis to keep pace with the continued growth of its business.

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