The Inflation Rate in the Emirate of Dubai record 1.61% in the First Quarter of 2016 compared to the same period of 2015, according to a report released by Dubai Statistics Centre.
The report attributed the increase in the prices of Education group by 4.83% where this group form 4.09% of total relative importance in the consumer basket. Housing, Water, Electricity, Gas, and other Fuels group increased by 4.15% and this group considered as the highest group in the relative importance in the consumer basket by 43.70%.
Food and Beverages group increased by 2.96% and it has a relative importance impact to the consumer basket by 11.08%. Miscellaneous Goods and Services group reached to 1.88% where this group accounted for 6.15% of the total weight of the consumer basket. Restaurants and Hotels group increased by 1.23% it form 5.48% in the relative importance of the consumer basket. Furnishings, Household Equipment and Routine Household Maintenance group increased by 0.93% and accounted for 3.34% from the total weight of the consumer basket.