Dubai Economy, sign ‘digital protection’ deal


The Commercial Compliance and Consumer Protection (CCCP) sector at Dubai Economy and, the Middle East’s largest online retail and marketplace website, have announced co-operation on the ‘Digital Protection’ initiative for consumer rights protection.
The Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed by the CCCP and aims at promoting consumer confidence in the region’s growing e-commerce industry and makes the first certified e-commerce website to display the consumer protection logo of Dubai Economy.
The MoU was signed by Mohammad Ali Rashed Lootah, CEO, CCCP, and Ronaldo Mouchawar, CEO and Co-Founder of Souq. com. This initiative is the latest in a series of measures adopted by the CCCP to
regulate e-commerce in the emirate of Dubai, promote compliance and global best practices among commercial establishments, both online and offline.

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