Dubai / Emirates Business
The Dubai Health Authority has begun open registration for the Dubai Residency Training Program of Medical Specialties (MASAR- DRTP).
The Department of Medical Education (MED) is the sole entity in the DHA responsible for provision of education and training of its staff. Educational and development opportunities for staff and healthcare professionals are provided within the framework of DHA’s mandate to encourage learning and development through quality training and educational activities in collaboration with the world-class educational leaders.
The DRTP is a structured postgraduate educational training program that aims to bridge the gap between medical undergraduate and specialized medical professions. The Program has announced its application open for the 2016 Intake.
Dr. Jamila Mohammed Sheikh, Director of Medical Education Department at DHA said the program (MASAR- DRTP) arises from the initiative of DHA to provide world-class health service and a desire to ensure that the Emirate of Dubai in the UAE achieves a strong position in the world health map. It also stems from an interest on the part of DHA to develop mechanisms to improve health care opportunities and improve the present curative and preventive services.
Dr. Sheikh also added that the program is an integrated system of training and medical education, which begins after graduation from medical school and prepare the trainee to become a specialist in a branch of the different branches of medicine. The program offers a customized learning platform that trains the residents and evaluates them for consistent improvement throughout the training program by demonstrating competence, by being capable of practicing medicine independently in par with international standards expertly, humanely and ethically; by achieving competencies as a scholar, collaborator, communicator, manager, health advocate and a professional.
Dr. Ashraf Ahmed Mohammed, Head of Academic Affairs Medical Centre- Department of Medical Education at the DHA said the program (MASAR- DRTP) aims to raise the number of doctors and competencies, and contributes to the creation of qualified medical personnel and specialized medical practice to work according to the latest medical standards and best ethical practices. The program currently has 312 doctors are receiving specialized medical training in the DHA health facilities.
As pointed out by Dr. Ashraf that the MASAR- DRTP program allows recent graduates to specialise in their careers by providing 13 current medical specialties. The specialties available are Family Medicine, Diagnostic Radiology, Neurology, Psychiatry, General Paediatrics, Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Internal Medicine, Emergency Medicine, General Surgery, Neurosurgery, Ophthalmology, Emergency Medicine and Orthopaedic & Trauma. The Specialty of Anaesthesia will be added to the 2016 intake.
It is expected that nearly 80 residents will be taken in for the 2016 intake, while 77 residents were accepted last year, including 37 UAE Nationals. Residents who join the Dubai Residency Training Program of Medical Specialties (MASAR- DRTP) are to start their training program in October in the DHA Health Facilities.
The closing date of applications will be on March 31. Those interested in joining the program can register through the electronic services available on the DHA site and complete all information and documents required.