DEWA to showcase technical achievements, innovative services at GITEX in October

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Dubai / WAM

Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA) is set to showcase its latest technical achievements and innovative services during the Gulf Information Technology Exhibition, GITEX 2016, which will be held from October 16-20 at the Dubai World Trade Centre.
“Through our participation in GITEX 2016, we are keen to ensure the implementation of the directives of Vice President and Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai, His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, to make the UAE one of the most innovative countries in the world. We intend to provide an interactive and high-quality experience for visitors as we introduce them to DEWA’s new smart services, initiatives and projects,” said Saeed Mohammed Al Tayer, DEWA Managing-Director and CEO. DEWA’s stand at the exhibition is part of the Dubai Smart Government’s pavilion, a city-wide initiative to transform Dubai into the smartest and happiest city in the world.
Al Tayer explained, “We have adopted an integrated future strategy and an innovative plan for the ongoing development of all our administrative, operational and service operations, to retain our pioneering position in different fields, as part of efforts to keep pace with Dubai smart government initiatives. We are deploying effective systems and advanced methodologies, while adopting best solutions to bolster our vision for becoming a sustainable innovative world-class utility.”
Also speaking about DEWA’s participation in GITEX, Marwan Salem bin Haidar, Executive Vice President of Innovation and the Future Division at DEWA, said that the exhibition is an ideal platform to benefit from experiences and best practices, and offers an opportunity to build new and active partnerships with leading regional and international organisations in the technological field.
“We are witnessing a remarkable technological development locally and internationally. The exhibition is an ideal platform for us to benefit from such experiences and best practices and build new and active partnerships with leading regional and international organisations. It also opens up new horizons for us to develop our services and applications to cope with the ongoing development and increasing demands of Dubai’s population,” he said.

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