DESC raises cyber security awareness


With the goal of expanding cooperation in the field of disseminating science and knowledge in Dubai, the Dubai Electronic Security Centre (DESC) has signed an MoU with the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), UAE Section.
The MoU aims to strengthen mutual cooperation between both organisations with
regards to developing educational materials and programmes on information security in order to increase the community’s awareness, as well as exchanging knowledge and expertise and supporting students projects and activities. The MoU was signed by Yousef Hamad Al Shaibani, CEO of DESC, and Dr Essa Basaeed, IEEE UAE Section Chair.
Both parties underlined the importance of signing this MoU as a starting point for many joint projects and initiatives aiming to raise the awareness of cyber security, through hosting international events, supporting corporate social responsibility, as well as holding workshops, training courses and conferences.
“Building a free and innovative cyberspace will only be achieved by supporting research projects and scientific conferences,” said Al Shaibani. He also stressed on the importance of supporting such voluntary organisations, which will spread knowledge and awareness across the emirate.
Dr Basaeed said, “IEEE is the world’s largest professional organisation dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity. Our collaboration with DESC to organise various activities in the field of cyber security reflects our commitment, towards contributing to our society.”

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