DED-DHCA pact aims to simplify business registration for investors

DED-DHCA partnership to simplify business copy



The Department of Economic Development (DED) in Dubai signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Dubai Healthcare City Authority (DHCA), the governing body of the Dubai Healthcare City (DHCC) free zone, under which the latter would be given access to the Reserve Trade Name registry of DED. The agreement is part of unifying trade name reservation procedures and avoiding duplication of trade names, thereby simplifying business registration and licensing for investors in Dubai.
The MoU was signed by Omar Bushahab, CEO of the Business Registration & Licensing (BRL) sector in DED, and Dr Ramadan AlBlooshi, CEO of Dubai Healthcare City Authority – Regulatory, in the presence of senior officials from both sides.
Commenting on the partnership, Bushahab said it reflected the shared commmitment of the various authorities in Dubai to provide a supportive environment for businesses in line with global best practices and standards.
Commenting on the partnership, Dr AlBlooshi said, “Our partnership with the Department of Economic Development will support the UAE’s vision towards developing a more robust, competitive economy. Together, we will facilitate efficient processes in the Dubai Healthcare City free zone for business set-up and licensing, improving the experience for our stakeholders and investors locally and regionally.” Having access to DED’s online registry will enable DHCC to verify trade names to avoid duplication and save the reserved trade name under the respective activity in the registry. DED will monitor the functioning of the joint mechanism and train DHCC employees on using the system.

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