Tribune news service
A 35 percent increase in customer complaints against banks has been witnessed in Bahrain over the past three years, it
has emerged. The Central Bank of Bahrain has received an average of 31 such complaints every month this year, compared with 28 last year, 26 in 2014 and 23 in 2013.
Four complaints last month were about higher than expected interest charges on loans, while two were related to loan application rejections by banks after customers paid administrative and insurance fees. Full details of the complaints and the banks against which they are made are included in a report by the CBB’s Compliance Directorate, which is available online at
Forty-one per cent of complaints registered last month are against just two banks, while the CBB said 77pc of all complaints last month had been resolved. One complaint related to a customer allegedly being given fake currency by a money exchange company, while another involved alleged fraud.