Chiva-Som: 30 Years of Pioneering Holistic Wellness


For three decades, Chiva-Som has been a pioneer in the realm of holistic wellness. The renowned resort has redefined the concept of wellness destination, offering a transformative experience that encompasses the mind, body, and spirit.
At the heart of Chiva-Som’s philosophy lies personalisation. Guests embark on a bespoke wellness journey, guided by expert practitioners who tailor programmes to individual needs. This holistic approach, blending Western medical expertise with Eastern wisdom, has been instrumental in the resort’s enduring success. “Our aim is to empower guests to achieve sustainable life changes,” says Vaipanya Kongkwanyuen, General Manager of Chiva-Som Hua Hin, “We believe that true wellness is a journey, not a destination and I have personally experienced it.”
At Chiva-Som Hua Hin, guests can choose a retreat from our 16 all-inclusive programmes such as Art of Detox, Weight Management, Yoga for life, Optimal performance, Nature’s Embrace, Immune Resilience, Total Golf Enhancement to match their goal. Chiva-Som’s commitment to innovation is evident in its
cutting-edge offerings. Genomic and Epigenetic testing, for instance, provide invaluable insights into individual health predispositions, allowing for highly personalised wellness plans. This forward-thinking approach keeps the resort at the forefront of the industry. Beyond physical well-being, Chiva-Som nurtures the soul. Guests are encouraged to connect with nature through initiatives such as mangrove conservation and tree planting. This emphasises Chiva-Som’s core value that personal wellness must go hand in hand with sustainability, recognising the interconnectedness of human health and environmental well-being. The resort’s serene ambiance, coupled with exceptional service, creates an oasis of tranquillity where guests can escape the stresses of modern life and toxic
environment. With a dedicated team of wellness experts, including physicians, therapists, nutritionists, fitness professionals, holistic health and aesthetic beauty Chiva-Som provides unparalleled care, and assistance to promote overall wellbeing and longevity.
As Chiva-Som celebrates its 30th anniversary, its legacy as a pioneer in holistic wellness is undeniable. The resort continues to inspire and transform lives, setting a benchmark for the industry and inviting guests to embark on a lifelong journey of wellbeing.

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