Chile’s embattled president faces test in local polls

Chilean President Michelle Bachelet, speaks during a cabinet reshuffle at the government house in Santiago, Chile  October 19, 2016. Ximena Navarro/Courtesy of Chilean Presidency/Handout via Reuters ATTENTION EDITORS - THIS IMAGE WAS PROVIDED BY A THIRD PARTY. EDITORIAL USE ONLY.


Santiago / AFP

Chilean President Michelle Bachelet faces a test of strength on Sunday in municipal elections that will serve as a political barometer with just over a year to go in her term.
The local polls are the last vote before general elections in 2017 that will decide the Socialist leader’s successor, at a time when the left in Chile—as in much of Latin America—is struggling.
The vote comes as Bachelet, Chile’s first woman president, has been sideswiped by a corruption scandal involving her son and is struggling to deliver on the reform agenda that got her elected by a landslide in 2013.
Opinion polls give Bachelet’s center-left coalition a razor-thin lead going into the polls, which will elect 346 mayors, plus city councils. The elections serve as the unofficial opening of the 2017 campaign season.
After testing the political waters in the local polls, the country’s parties will nominate their presidential candidates and launch their campaigns.
On the left, the top name currently being floated is Isabel Allende—not to be confused with her distant relative of the same name, who is a best-selling novelist. She is a senator and the daughter of former president Salvador Allende, who was overthrown by late dictator Augusto Pinochet in a 1973 coup.
Journalist and independent Senator Alejandro Guillier also scores well in opinion polls. And former president Ricardo Lagos (2000-2006) has thrown his hat in the ring, too.
On the right, former president Sebastian Pinera (2010-2014) is tipped as the likely nominee,
but has yet to declare his
Bachelet, 65, is one of the last remaining leaders from a “pink tide” of left-wing governments that swept Latin America in the last decade. She served a first term from 2006 to 2010, and—constitutionally barred from immediate re-election—returned in 2014.

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