
US seeks momentum for new Syria peace push

  Lausanne / AFP US Secretary of State John Kerry was trying to build momentum behind a new drive to end the Syrian civil war on Sunday after high-level talks with Russia and the country’s neighbours. Kerry was due to fly to London to brief Washington’s European allies after “brainstorming” talks in Lausanne with the main players in Syria’s bloody five-year-old ...

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UAE’s non-petroleum exports surge to AED603 billion: VP

  Abu Dhabi / WAM Not only does the UAE leads the Middle East in over one hundred critical development indicators, but it also is number one in the world in other measurements, such as the quality of the UAE’s public infrastructure, roads, maritime and aviation facilities, public safety and security, the rate of female enrolment in universities, government efficiency and ...

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DLD to unveil five latest smart real estate solutions

  Dubai / Emirates Business Dubai Land Department (DLD) have announced that it will be an active contributor to the 36th edition of GITEX Technology Week 2016. DLD will unveil its latest top 5 real estate smart technology advances and smart applications to serve the real estate sector. His Excellency Sultan Buti Ben Mejren, Director General of DLD said: “Gitex ...

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dnata selects Avaya to drive digital transformation

  DUBAI / Emirates Business dnata, one of the world’s largest air services providers and a member of Emirates Group, announced on Saturday it has selected Avaya as a strategic technology partner to power its customer service digital transformation strategy. Avaya Private Cloud Services (APCS) will deliver a complete customer experience transformation solution that will create a seamless, personalized experience ...

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Experts to convene 4th GCC heritage, oral history conference

  Abu Dhabi / Emirates Business Academics, scholars, heritage specialists and researchers will gather in Abu Dhabi for the 4th GCC Heritage and Oral History conference, on the theme, ‘Technology and Sustainable Gulf Heritage: Archiving Reality and Future Prospects.’ Organised by Abu Dhabi Tourism & Culture Authority (TCA Abu Dhabi), the conference will welcome delegates from history and heritage departments ...

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Global deal reached to phase out super greenhouse gases

  Kigali / AFP In a major step toward curbing global warming, world envoys reached an agreement on Saturday to phase out potent greenhouse gases used in refrigerators and air conditioners. Under the amendment to the 1987 Montreal Protocol on protecting the ozone layer, rich countries are to take action sooner than developing nations. The agreement was greeted by applause ...

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US tries to revive Syria peace plan with fresh talks

  Lausanne / AFP Pessimistic envoys from the United States, Russia and Syria’s neighbours met on Saturday in Switzerland as Secretary of State John Kerry tried to revive hopes of a ceasefire for the war-torn country. The talks marked Kerry’s first encounter with his Russian opposite number Sergei Lavrov since a US and Russian-sponsored truce collapsed last month amid a ferocious ...

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China mega-merger poses challenge to giant’s oil grip

  Beijing / Bloomberg A merger of Sinochem Group and China National Chemical Corp. would create a new oil-refining challenger to established state-run behemoths that dominate the country’s fuel-making business. The prospective tie-up, combining two companies with assets of more than $100 billion, would create the largest oil refiner behind China Petrochemical Corp. and China National Petroleum Corp., according to ...

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China’s days of exporting deflation ‘drawing to a close’

  Beijing / AFP One of the disinflationary pressures that’s gripped the global economy for the past five years is abating. China’s factory gate prices — falling since the start of 2012 — turned positive in September, squeaking out an increase of 0.1 percent from a year earlier. Given China’s status as factory to the world, that means prices of ...

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Portugal risks spooking investors with property tax

  Bloomberg Portuguese Prime Minister Antonio Costa is beginning to scare some investors. Almost a year into the role, Costa has succeeded in rolling back some austerity measures without alienating Portugal’s euro-area partners and creditors. Now, as his Socialist government prepares to raise indirect taxes and levies on property in its 2017 budget to help pay for higher pensions and ...

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