
Marasi Business Bay Promenade opens in Nov

  Dubai / Emirates Business Dubai Properties (DP), a leading Dubai-based real estate master developer and asset manager known for renowned destinations across the Emirate, has announced that the iconic Marasi Business Bay Promenade is scheduled to be opened in November, coinciding with the opening of the Dubai Water Canal being built by the Roads & Transport Authority (RTA). More ...

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du to deliver ADIB’s opex-driven co-location services in UAE

  DUBAI / Emirates Business UAE-based telecommunications service provider -‘du’, has been selected by Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank (ADIB) to deliver opex-driven co-location services in the UAE. ADIB benefits from world-class data centre infrastructure that is ready to support its business with maximum reliability and availability. ADIB will be able to grow and develop its operations with a foundation in ...

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Xi warns of globalisation backlash at BRICS summit

  Benaulim / AFP Chinese President Xi Jinping said on Sunday a rising tide of protectionism and anti-globalisation was endangering the world economy’s still fragile recovery as BRICS leaders vowed to forge closer business and trade ties. At a summit in the Indian tourist hub of Goa, host Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the leaders of China, Russia, Brazil and South ...

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India’s Modi urges BRICS to double trade, fight terror

  Bloomberg The world’s largest emerging markets must double trade between their countries in the next four years and unite to fight terrorist threats that hurt economic prosperity, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi said. Noting intra-BRICS trade was $250 billion, Modi said: “We should set ourselves a target to double this number to $500 billion by 2020”. The eighth annual ...

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Newmont, Barrick disagree on mine value

  Bloomberg A split between the world’s two largest gold producers over the value of their jointly owned Australian mine is more about future economic expectations than what’s in the ground. That’s the view of Newmont Mining Corp.’s Gary Goldberg, who has been saying for over a year he’d be interested in buying Barrick Gold Corp.’s half of the Kalgoorlie ...

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USA deficit up for first time since 2009

  Bloomberg The US budget deficit as a share of the economy widened for the first time in seven years, marking a turning point in the nation’s fiscal outlook as an aging population boosts government spending and debt. Spending exceeded revenue by $587.4 billion in the 12 months to Sept. 30, compared with a $439.1 billion deficit in fiscal 2015, ...

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Nordea’s $22bn flagship fund is now betting on the pound

  Bloomberg Nordea Bank’s Stable Return fund, Europe’s fastest growing asset manager, is betting the British pound is now on its way up. It’s a shift of strategy from earlier this year, when the 20 billion-euro ($22 billion) fund bet against sterling using the yen. It profited from that wager, with the pound losing 28 percent this year against the ...

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US seeks momentum for new Syria peace push

  Lausanne / AFP US Secretary of State John Kerry was trying to build momentum behind a new drive to end the Syrian civil war on Sunday after high-level talks with Russia and the country’s neighbours. Kerry was due to fly to London to brief Washington’s European allies after “brainstorming” talks in Lausanne with the main players in Syria’s bloody five-year-old ...

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UAE’s non-petroleum exports surge to AED603 billion: VP

  Abu Dhabi / WAM Not only does the UAE leads the Middle East in over one hundred critical development indicators, but it also is number one in the world in other measurements, such as the quality of the UAE’s public infrastructure, roads, maritime and aviation facilities, public safety and security, the rate of female enrolment in universities, government efficiency and ...

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DLD to unveil five latest smart real estate solutions

  Dubai / Emirates Business Dubai Land Department (DLD) have announced that it will be an active contributor to the 36th edition of GITEX Technology Week 2016. DLD will unveil its latest top 5 real estate smart technology advances and smart applications to serve the real estate sector. His Excellency Sultan Buti Ben Mejren, Director General of DLD said: “Gitex ...

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