Bloomberg The world’s major central banks are declaring last orders at the punchbowl. The Federal Reserve — which has been raising interest rates since 2015 — takes the next step towards normalizing monetary policy this month when it starts to reduce its $4.5 trillion balance sheet. The European Central Bank is expected to soon lay out its own plans for ...
Read More »Banking
Goldman, Carnegie outpace rival banks amid Nordic IPO boom
Bloomberg A record number of initial public offerings in the Nordic region is benefiting some banks more than others. Among non-Nordic banks, no one’s doing better than Goldman Sachs Group Inc., according to data compiled by Bloomberg on firms advising on the region’s IPOs. Morgan Stanley tops the rankings, when all equity sales are taken into account. But when it ...
Read More »Â£10 note sells for £7,200 at BOE auction
Bloomberg A Bank of England (BOE) note with a face value of 10 pounds ($13) has sold for more than 700-times that amount at auction as Britain’s obsession with collectible new note issues shows no sign of abating. The tenner, as the bills are known in the UK, has the serial number AA01 000010 and sold for 7,200 pounds — ...
Read More »RBS head says banks need Brexit transition details by early 2018
Bloomberg Royal Bank of Scotland Group Plc (RBS) Chairman Howard Davies said details of a post-Brexit transitional deal with the European Union need to be outlined in the next five months to stop more financial-services jobs from leaving London. “If there are no details by the first quarter of next year, the number of moves of people out of London ...
Read More »Inflation returns as dollar dearth hits Zimbabwe
Bloomberg Zimbabwe’s money shortage has seen card and mobile-money payments eclipse cash sales at the nation’s retailers, throttling suppliers’ stock of hard currency needed to put goods on shelves and forcing up food prices. Cash transactions have shrunk to about 2 percent of daily takings across the 33-store Spar Zimbabwe chain, from 60 percent a year ago, Managing Director Terence ...
Read More »Wells Fargo passes baton of scorn to Equifax in dueling hearings
Bloomberg Wells Fargo & Co. is wrapping up one of its worst years ever by passing a baton to Washington’s new favourite financial-industry villain: Equifax Inc. Executives from both companies will travel to Capitol Hill this week to testify in overlapping hearings about efforts to aid customers stung by lapses at their firms. Lawmakers on both sides of the aisle ...
Read More »Catalonia’s banks prepare to move amid fears of customer exodus
Bloomberg Catalonia’s biggest banks are getting closer to leaving the politically volatile region as customers signaled that a declaration of independence would prompt them to pull their deposits. Banco Sabadell SA confirmed it will move its headquarters to the Spanish city of Alicante, while CaixaBank SA’s board will consider transferring its registered office to the Balearic Islands, said a person ...
Read More »Singapore, Thailand weigh e-payment alliance in digital push
Bloomberg Singapore and Thailand are in discussions about connecting their national digital payment systems to forge an unprecedented regional alliance, as officials step up efforts to curb the use of cash. The link would bring together Southeast Asia’s first national digital-payment platforms, Singapore’s PayNow and Thailand’s PromptPay, said Naphongthawat Phothikit, director of payment systems policy at the Bank of Thailand. ...
Read More »Goldman Sachs finds ally in White House for loans breaching debt limit
Bloomberg Leverage debt guidelines set up to help prevent a rerun of the financial crisis are losing adherents under the Trump administration. With the say-so of the Treasury Department, Goldman Sachs Group Inc. is among underwriters of leveraged buyouts arranging deals that skirt guidance designed to contain excessive leverage that left banks with more than $200 billion of unsellable LBO ...
Read More »New chief of India’s biggest bank faces rising bad debts
Bloomberg Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government tapped Rajnish Kumar to helm State Bank of India (SBI), handing him the task of curtailing a surge in bad debts at the nation’s biggest lender. Kumar, who has headed the state-run bank’s domestic lending business since November 2015, was elected chairman on Saturday as Arundhati Bhattacharya’s four-year term ends, the government said in ...
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