An exception to rule: Big cities with affordable homes

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St. Louis / AP

Until recently, Christina Brouk was living with her parents. Now, still in her early 20s, she’s living the American dream of home ownership — the same dream that’s grown elusive for many young adults since the housing bubble peaked 10 years ago.
Homes in many areas of the United States have become so costly that few but high earners can afford them. Rising rents have made it hard to save enough to buy. Cities that offer plentiful jobs for educated young adults — New York, Boston, San Francisco, Seattle, Washington — have become prohibitively expensive home markets.
Then there are the exceptions. St. Louis, near where Brouk lives, is one. So are Minneapolis, Pittsburgh and Kansas City, Missouri. In those areas, homes remain comparatively affordable relative to local incomes. An improved US economy has fuelled job and pay growth. Throw in historically low mortgage rates, and ownership is still within reach — even for those just entering their careers at modest salaries.
“You really live to do this,” Brouk, a 24-year-old medical secretary who, along with her fiance, Derek Schmittgens, bought a three-bedroom ranch home in the St. Louis suburb of Imperial, Missouri, in December. “It’s what you work for.”
The St. Louis metro area, situated squarely in the Rust Belt, might seem an improbable place for a stable housing market. The local economy is far diminished from its peak decades ago as a hub of muscular industrial giants. Many corporations like brewing giant Anheuser-Busch that once were based here closed, moved or merged. This year, the NFL’s Rams cited rosier economic opportunities in Los Angeles as a reason for their decision to return to the West Coast.
Yet having never experienced the heights of the housing bubble, St. Louis never absorbed the full brunt of the bust, either. Its economy has remained reasonably steady compared with turmoil elsewhere in the country where foreclosures caused demand for rentals to surge.
A tech corridor in the city’s Central West End is attracting some higher-paying jobs at companies like Square, a mobile payment company founded by Jack Dorsey, a St. Louis native who co-founded Twitter. Jobs in health care and finance continue to grow, economists say. The metro area’s unemployment rate is just below the national level of 4.9 percent. And home prices remain roughly in line with area incomes.
Nationally, home ownership is near a 48-year low. A key reason is that surging rents and home prices have made it next to impossible for many people to save enough to buy — even though today’s ultra-low mortgage rates have the effect of lightening housing bills.
An analysis found that monthly housing payments have dropped in the past decade while rents have climbed.
Yet in the St. Louis area, buyers in the 25-34 age group are having a comparatively easy time, data tracked by shows: Those young buyers make up 40 percent of purchase mortgages in the metro area, compared with an average of 35 percent nationally.
The median home value in the St. Louis metro area is $152,000, $24,000 less than the national average and far below many other big cities, especially on the coasts, said Charles Gascon, an economist for the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. And, the median household income of $56,041 is about $2,700 above the national average, Gascon said.
“You really didn’t see the big boom or the big bust” in St. Louis through the economic downturn, Gascon said.

“But you can go even beyond that. Delinquency rates didn’t spike as high in the St. Louis area,

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