ADX recognises its innovative employees

Abu Dhabi / WAM

As part of its policy recognizing research and innovation excellence, the Abu Dhabi Securities Exchange (ADX), honoured its distinguished employees for the year 2016 as part of the Annual Teslam Excellence Awards.
“Honoring distinguished employees is part of a comprehensive system of achievement and innovation adopted by ADX to enhance productivity in a sustainable environment”, Rashed Al Blooshi, ADX Chief Executive, said. “This is a testimony of institutional loyalty of the honored innovative employees, through which ADX has also been awarded with ITP. Gov. Award for the Best Government-to-Customer (G2C)
Service of 2017,” he added.
ADX has launched “Teslam” Excellence Awards in 2013 to honor distinguished employees whom have actively taken part of ADX’s achievements through their innovative performance and distinguish service of the Exchange’s stakeholders.

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