Abu Dhabi to host anti-cyber-terrorism conference on May 15


Abu Dhabi / WAM

Finding a framework that balances between fundamental human rights and international efforts in combating cyber-terrorism is the overall theme of an anti-cyber terrorism conference to be hosted by Abu Dhabi on May 15-16 under the patronage of His Highness Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Minister of Foreign Affairs and
International Cooperation.
The International Conference for the Criminalization of Cyber-Terrorism will focus on developing practical approaches to criminalise cyber-terrorism by furthering cooperation between anti-cyber-terrorism organizations and institutions. Best methods to initiate a comprehensive international legal framework that criminalizes cyber-terrorism will feature high on the event’s agenda.
“The conference is a stepping stone for developing a well-thought out action plan to criminalise cyber-terrorism,” said Dr Ali Rashid Al Noaimi, Chairman of the Conference Organising Committee. A series of specialised workshops will be featured by the premier event on ways to find efficient and practical solutions within the international anti-cyber terrorism law, he added.
The event will provide a platform through which a series of scientific seminars and research papers will be conducted by government representatives international experts, political figures and representatives of international origanisations and institutions, and activists in counter terrorism and counter cyber-terrorism affairs, in addition to legal experts, researc- hers, practitioners, and other figures from international community.

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