Germans wait for penny to drop as expectations surge

epa05853849 (FILE) - A file picture dated 27 November 2001 shows a handful of euro coins at the state-mint in Rome, Italy. The Euro officially entered circulation on 01 January 2002 as the single currency in the so-called Eurozone, replacing the EU member states' domestic currencies. The 60th anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Rome is marked on 25 March 2017. The treaty was signed on 25 March 1957 by Belgium, France, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and West Germany to form the European Economic Community (ECC). It continues to be one of the most important ones in the history of the European Union (EU).  EPA/Claudio Onorati


The German economy is all about records. Highs and lows.
Never in the 27 years since the country’s reunification have more people held a job. Never have fewer people been unemployed.
Companies haven’t assessed the business climate more positively and consumers have never been more optimistic about future income. That’s where the records end.
Wage growth is lagging the economic trend, and is one of the main reasons why inflation remains uncomfortably low for policy makers watching over the health of Europe’s largest economy and its peers. It’s a phenomenon seen all over the world in an age of globalisation: Pay growth is falling short even as labour markets tighten after years of unprecedented monetary stimulus.
Fear not is Rolf Buerkl’s message. The economist at Germany’s GfK society for consumer research predicts salary increases will accelerate.
“In many sectors, we have a shortage of skilled workers, so negotiation positions are better than in times of high joblessness,’’ he said. “If employment continues on its path, one doesn’t have to be a prophet to expect higher incomes.”
Measures for German salary and wage growth are manifold. One thing they have in common is the fact that increases in the years since the euro area’s sovereign-debt crisis are trailing those previously recorded.
Which begs the question whether consumers’ income expectations are foreshadowing an overdue pickup in compensation or will turn out to be unrealistic.
“Consumers have a pretty good sense for trends,”
said Buerkl.

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