Nawah reveals key operational readiness milestones

Site update Jan 2017


Nawah Energy Company has announced the achievement of a number of milestones in the area of operational readiness. The company has begun making arrangements to welcome the Pre-Operational Safety Review Team, Pre-OSART, from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) for their planned mission for Unit 1 at Barakah Nuclear Power Plant (BNPP) in Al Dhafra Region of Abu Dhabi.
In OSART missions, the IAEA coordinates internationally-based teams of experts who conduct reviews of operational safety performance at nuclear power plants. To date, OSARTs have visited nearly every major type of nuclear reactor, and over 150 reviews have been conducted since the programme’s inception in 1982. Pre-OSART missions are conducted during the construction and commissioning phase of a plant’s life to help ensure effective preparations for commissioning and operations.
In addition, Nawah has recently submitted the Operating License Application (OLA) for Unit 3 and Unit 4 to the Federal Authority for Nuclear Regulation (FANR). The submission included more than 15,000 pages and documented the safety of the planned operations and maintenance of the Barakah plant and its adherence to the highest standards of safety, quality and security. Nawah is also working to ensure that FANR’s safety and quality regulatory requirements are met or exceeded in the programme.
At the same time, Nawah is preparing for extensive formal reviews conducted by the IAEA and global external entities such as the World Association of Nuclear Operators, WANO, for the evaluation of the BNPP’s nuclear safety standards and readiness for operations. These reviews are part of the customary oversight and regulatory requirements to support the issuance of the operating license by FANR to Nawah, as the operator of BNPP.
Mohammed Sahoo AlSuwaidi, Acting CEO of Nawah Energy Company, stated, “Nawah Energy Company had vowed to be recognised as a top nuclear plant operator and to follow the highest international standards of safety, quality and security. There is a great progress made by Nawah with its commitment to safety as it progresses towards its target of loading fuel in Unit 1 at Barakah Nuclear Power Plant in 2018. Nawah is making good progress from all perspectives of the Operational Readiness programme, including recruitment and training of resources, development of procedures and operating crew proficiency. We are also focusing on developing the next generation of leaders for the UAE Peaceful Nuclear Energy Programme.”
In May 2017, the fuel assemblies for Unit 1 were transported and securely stored at the Barakah Site. In accordance to FANR regulations, all fuel assemblies at Barakah must be closely inspected by Nawah’s team of fuel experts. These inspections are completed to ensure the structural integrity and quality of each fuel assembly.
In line with our commitment to safe operations, the Energy Pioneers programme was set up to grow the country’s nuclear energy capability and develop a pipeline of Emirati talents as the nuclear energy programme grows. Under the programme, Emiratis are receiving training of the highest international standards by the industry’s leading global experts.
Currently, there are 162 students studying through the Energy Pioneers programme. So far, 274 have graduated from the programme from which the last batch of 52 students have graduated recently in July 2017, and their excellent academic achievements was recognised by Nawah in a graduation ceremony held on this occasion.

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