Trump’s son met with Russian offering information on Clinton

epa05713015 Donald Trump Junior (R) arrives at Trump Tower in Manhattan, New York, USA, 12 January 2017. US President Elect Donald Trump is still holding meetings upstairs at Trump Tower as he continues to fill in key positions in his new administration.  EPA/JOHN TAGGART / POOL


President Donald Trump’s eldest son met last year with a Russian woman who offered to provide potentially damaging information on Hillary Clinton, his father’s Democratic opponent in the 2016 election.
The meeting took place in June 2016, after his father had secured the Republican presidential nomination, according to a statement Sunday from Donald Trump Jr. The younger Trump said in the statement that he was joined at the meeting by his brother-in-law, Jared Kushner, and the man managing his father’s campaign at the time, Paul Manafort.
The encounter was reported earlier by the New York Times, which said on Sunday that Donald Trump Jr. had been promised damaging information on Clinton before agreeing to the meeting. Representatives of the younger Trump and Kushner confirmed that the meeting with the woman, a Russian lawyer named Natalia Veselnitskaya, had taken place at Trump Tower as reported. A spokesman for Manafort didn’t respond to requests for comment.
In his statement, Donald Trump Jr. said that the woman had been referred to him by an acquaintance from the 2013 Miss Universe pageant and that he had been told she could provide information that could help his father’s campaign. He said that he wasn’t told her name before the meeting.
The younger Trump said the meeting lasted about 20 to 30 minutes. He said the woman told those present that she had information about funding and support for Clinton and the Democratic National Committee by people connected to Russia. Trump said “it quickly became clear that she had no meaningful information.”
“Her statements were vague, ambiguous and made no sense,” Trump said in the statement. “No details or supporting information was provided or even offered.”

Changed Subject
He said that the woman then changed the subject to the adoption of Russian children and the Magnitsky Act, a US law that sanctions people for human-rights abuses as well as those deemed complicit in the 2009 death of Russian lawyer Sergei Magnitsky. Russian President Vladimir Putin halted US adoptions of Russian children after that measure was passed.
Trump said that he then advised the woman that his father was still a private citizen, “and that her comments and concerns were better addressed if and when he held public office.” He said he took her initial offer of information on Clinton as merely a pretext to discuss the other issues.
Veselnitskaya told the New York Times that nothing about the 2016 campaign was discussed at the meeting and that she had never acted on behalf of the Russian government. Moreover, she told the newspaper, she never discussed the matter with anyone from the Russian government.
Revelations about the encounter at Trump Tower come as the FBI and congressional committees continue to investigate Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election and whether there was any collusion between members of the Trump campaign and Moscow.

Congress Returns
As lawmakers returned to Washington after the July 4 recess on Monday, some members of Trump’s political party criticized the concept of campaign officials meeting with representatives of foreign governments to obtain derogatory information about rival candidates.
“That doesn’t strike me as appropriate,” Senator Pat Toomey, a Republican from Pennsylvania, told MSNBC. “I think it encourages countries to come in and undermine our democratic process.”
The president on Monday morning was focused on former FBI Director James Comey, retweeting a “Fox & Friends” video that cited “a brand new bombshell report” in The Hill that cited anonymous sources as saying more than half of Comey’s memos about his conversations with Trump have been determined to contain classified information.
“James Comey leaked CLASSIFIED INFORMATION to the media. That is so illegal!” Trump wrote on Twitter.
The Hill reported that an FBI spokesman declined to comment.

Improved Ties
News of the meeting began emerging on Saturday, a day after the US president met face to face for the first time with Putin at the Group of 20 summit in Hamburg—an encounter Trump said he hoped would help foster better relations with Moscow.

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