Dubai hosts summit on safety, security


Dubai / WAM

The General Department of Organisations Protective Security and Emergency (OPSE), Event’s Security Committee is participating in the inaugural edition of the Major Events Safety and Security Summit (ME3S), organised by Reed Exhibitions, in collaboration with Major Events
International (MEI).
The two-day summit is the first-of-its-kind ‘community experience’ summit that addresses safety and security challenges specific to major events and places of high crowd density.
Brigadier Abdullah Ali Al Ghaithi, Director of OPSE, Dubai Police, and Chairman of the Event’s Security Committee (ESC), attended the inauguration of the exclusive summit.
ME3S brings together 200 attendees from the ranks of top regional buyers and end users, international experts and leading solutions providers across the events safety and security industry all under one roof, providing exclusive opportunities and empowering attendees to identify potential partners through tailored matchmaking.

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