Israel set for vote to advance bill legalising settler homes

Israeli settler youths build a new wooden structure in the settlement outpost of Amona, which was established in 1997, in the Israeli-occupied West Bank on November 29, 2016. The outpost, where some 40 families live, is under an Israeli high court order to be demolished by December 25 because it was built on private Palestinian land.  / AFP PHOTO / AFP PHOTO AND - / MENAHEM KAHANA


Jerusalem / AFP

Israeli lawmakers could vote on Wednesday to advance a bill legalising some 4,000 settler homes in the occupied West Bank despite international criticism and warnings over its
The bill was set for a first reading in the Knesset, or parliament, and if approved would require two more full votes before becoming law. A vote was expected on Wednesday, though last-minute negotiations could still cause it to be delayed.
The bill was given preliminary approval in parliament on Monday, with some of its backers calling it a step towards eventual annexation of most of the West Bank. Some 400,000 Israeli settlers currently live in the West Bank, excluding annexed east Jerusalem, along with 2.6 million Palestinians.
The United States, UN officials and the European Union have warned that continued settlement building is eating away at the possibility of a two-state solution to the conflict.
All Israeli settlements are viewed as illegal under international law and major stumbling blocks to peace efforts as they are built on land the Palestinians see as part of their future state.
Israel differentiates between those it has authorised and those it has not. The bill would legalise nearly 4,000 settler homes built on private Palestinian land.
Key figures in Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s coalition, considered the most right-wing in Israeli history, openly oppose a Palestinian state.
Education Minister Naftali Bennett, the bill’s main backer, has advocated annexing most of the West Bank, like other Israeli religious nationalists who point to the Jewish connection to the land from biblical times.
Netanyahu says he still supports a two-state solution to the decades-old Israeli-Palestinian conflict, but is nonetheless supporting the bill. It has advanced despite concerns from Israeli Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit, who has said he will not be able to defend it before the courts and warned that it would violate both Israeli and international law.

‘Profoundly damaging’
US State Department spokesman Mark Toner said on Tuesday: “We hope that it does not become law.
“Enacting this law would be profoundly damaging to the prospects for a two-state solution. “We’ve also been troubled by comments that we’ve heard by some political figures in Israel that this would be the first step in annexing parts of the West Bank.”
Walid Assaf, the Palestinian minister responsible for monitoring Israeli settlements, has called the bill “the most dangerous law issued by Israel since 1967.”

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