Sporadic fighting strains fragile Yemen truce

Jamie McGoldrick, United Nations Resident Coordinator for Yemen, speaks during a news conference at the United Nations building in Sanaa, Yemen, October 19, 2016. REUTERS/Mohamed al-Sayaghi?


Aden /AFP

Scattered clashes between rebels and pro-government forces undermined a fragile ceasefire in Yemen on Thursday as global pressure intensified for a lasting truce in a country where millions are homeless and hungry.
The ceasefire, for an initial period of three days, took effect shortly before midnight on Wednesday under a United Nations plan which aims to allow sorely needed aid to reach suffering civilians.
A Saudi-led Arab coalition intervened in March 2015 to support the government of President Abedrabbo Mansour Hadi after rebels overran much of Yemen. Saudi Arabia and Washington accuse Iran of arming the insurgents, charges Tehran denies.
Coalition spokesman Major General Ahmed Assiri told Al-Ekhbariya state television that there had been “a certain number of violations which we are going to prove”. If they continue, he said, the coalition “will take appropriate measures.” Yemeni residents have had enough of failed truces.
“We want a lasting ceasefire,” said Sadok Abdullah, 28, a resident of rebel-held Sanaa. “They’re mocking us with a three-day truce,” said Ali al-Doush, a 32-year-old civil servant who has not been paid for three months.
Shortly after the truce began, the coalition said it “will abide by the ceasefire”, which aims for “distribution of the greatest possible humanitarian and medical assistance” to Yemen’s people, especially the besieged city of Taez.
It said it will continue an air and maritime embargo, to prevent weapons shipments to the rebels, and will maintain airborne reconnaissance.
The rebels’ military spokesman, General Sharaf Lokman, said his forces will respect the ceasefire as long as “the enemy” also abides by it on land, sea and air. However, he urged his fighters to be ready to retaliate against “all aggression.” A spokesman for pro-government forces also declared “respect for the truce” but similarly reserved the right of reply to violations.
Pro-Hadi forces said in a statement they recorded nine violations by the rebel Houthis between midnight and 4:00 am in Nahm region, northeast of Sanaa.
Three pro-government fighters were killed near the Red Sea in Hajja province when Houthi rebels, after midnight, began a counter-offensive to retake positions lost before the truce, a loyalist officer, Colonel Abdel Ghani al-Chebli, said.
“The rebels didn’t respect earlier truces and we have orders to retaliate. We are in a defensive position,” he said.
Military sources and residents said there had also been fighting around Taez, and pro-Hadi positions came under fire in Sarwah, east of Sanaa.
In the immediate aftermath of a ceasefire, it can be difficult to silence every single weapon. Civilians have paid the highest price in the war. Almost 6,900 people have been killed —more than half of them civilians —while another three million are displaced and millions more need food aid.

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