Powerful militia storms out of Myanmar peace talks


Naypyidaw / AFP

Delegates from one of Myanmar’s most heavily armed ethnic groups stormed out of peace talks on Thursday in an early blow to a landmark gathering aimed at ushering in a new era of peace.
The five-day conference in the capital Naypyidaw has been hailed as the best chance in a generation for Myanmar to end wars that have raged for up to 70-years, claiming thousands of lives and keeping the country mired in poverty.
Among the militias attending is the powerful 20,000-strong United Wa State Army.
They stopped fighting the government years back in exchange for control of a remote portion of territory bordering China which is now a notorious drug manufacturing hub. They had originally refused to make this week’s talks, arguing they signed their own ceasefire with the previous military government back in 1989.
But they eventually agreed to attend following discussions last month with de facto leader Aung San Suu Kyi and after pressure was applied by China, which retains significant influence over the group.
Yet on day two of the talks four USWA delegates walked out, officials said, reportedly after being told they could not address the gathering.
Government peace negotiator Khin Zaw Oo told reporters the Wa had been given observer badges, instead of ones allowing them to speak, angering their delegation.
But he played down their departure, saying it was a “misunderstanding” that could be solved.
“This is a misunderstanding,” he said. “Our committee will go and meet them if they are here (in Naypyidaw). We will negotiate.”
A spokesman for the militia told the Democratic Voice of Burma they had left after being told they were only accredited as observers, calling it discrimination.
But Lian Hmung Sahkong, from the Chin National Front, another ethnic group at the talks, denied the Wa faced discrimination.

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